Saturday, January 10, 2015

Optimism is a Happiness Magnet

What are the benefits of connecting with other educators? 

Brings me to a wealth of positive people!
Encouragement to take risks- because others are too!
New ideas that  I can use tomorrow!
Endless supply of support
Fosters the belief of “Yes, I can do this!”
Interesting, new approaches to engage students
Thoughts different from my own to like problems/issues
Serves as a place where I can listen as well as be heard 

How am I going to make sure I do this on a regular basis? 

Make a commitment to be involved in one more thing this year. Participating in productive, positive environments and discovering great ideas or new approaches don't fall right in front of you. You must go out and find them and discover new places, put effort into meeting new people, listen to what others say, take a risk to voice your thoughts and ideas as well. Decide today to take some time to find a professional group to become a part of, volunteer for something that interests you, or find a group that you have always wanted to be a part of but never had time (I know, no one ever has enough time in the world, it's time to make time!) in your community, church, school or cyberspace. Guaranteed along the way you will become a better teacher, person, partner, friend, colleague for having taken the time and effort to do so! I know it did for me!

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