Saturday, November 8, 2014

Reflective Teacher at TeachThought- November Blog Challenge- Day 8

There are things that happen to us in our teaching career that reminds us why we are educators. They are the lighthouses on our journey, sending us reassuring messages that remind us of why we strive to be amazing educators. Since I am a movie buff, the picture that I have in my mind is of Jay Gatsby (I prefer the Robert Redford version) looking out across the harbor to Daisy's dock and the green light flashing on and off, reminding him of his purpose.

One particular memory that I have is of working with one student on an application to a national organization for a summer travel award to a Spanish-speaking country. In working with him throughout the school year to complete his application, craft his essay and make an interview video with the two of us in Spanish, I was once again reminded that students accomplish really great things with care and loving guidance from teachers. In the end, he was one of twelve students in the nation to win the award and I could not have been prouder of him! That moment was a green beam of light flashing across the water at me, reminding me to "go", to keep doing as much as I can to help my students, whatever their goals may be. 

Just like Gatsby staring out across the water at Daisy's dock, the green light continues to keep flashing on and off with other moments throughout the years that keep me focused and guide me forward in my journey to be the best educator I can be.

1 comment:

  1. Beth- I look forward to reading your blog every day! I love the analogy of the lighthouse and most especially your final sentence! Thanks!!!
