Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Gap Is Closing

This summer I had a chance to read Excellent Online Teaching! by Aaron Johnson. This book gives you some simple and easy ways to be an effective online teacher and I recommend it!

But what if you are not an online teacher? Is this book for you? I can answer those questions for you since I teach in both of those learning environments. I am both a face to face classroom teacher as well as an online teacher and I see the gap is closing! Many of the strategies suggested in this book can be used in a face to face school with teachers who infuse lots of technology into their curriculum. For example:

1. As the course begins, send out a welcome email to students and parents, setting the stage and tone for the entire course.
2. Develop and send out a weekly e-mail to students to help them stay on track and foster positive teacher-student relationships.
3. Giving prompt and helpful feedback to students after assignments models the positive interaction you are looking to foster with your students as they work online.

and many more, but I am sure the author would like you to buy his book and read for yourself! 

As I read this book, I said to myself many times "Wow, this tip would work in both of the worlds that I teach in!" I think that you will find it a worthwhile read, offering you lots of tips and reminders on how to better reach out to students as we move towards more technology in courses and curriculum.    

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